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Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell therapy is a form of regenerative medicine that utilizes the body’s natural healing mechanism to treat various conditions.

A stem cell have two key functions; first cell that can replicate and recreate more stem cells of the same kind as well as differentiate to heal and repair. This means the cell can not only multiply, it can turn into different types of tissues. Second, they produce cytokines and growth factors that can regenerate tissues and reduce inflammation.
Today, we actually have tools that allow us to separate the stem cells from fat. Because most people have adequate fat supplies and the numbers of stem cells are so great, there is no need to culture the cells over a period of days and they can be used right away.

Now available in the USA: Autologous stem cell banking involves the collection and storage of stem cells from a person's own body, usually from bone marrow or adipose tissue. These stem cells can be used later for regenerative medicine purposes, such as treating various diseases or injuries.
The main advantage of autologous stem cell banking is that the stem cells are a perfect match for the person they were collected from, reducing the risk of rejection and other complications associated with using stem cells from a donor.
How Do You Harvest My Stem Cells?The abdomen, flanks, or other appropriate area is chosen as a donor site. A local anesthetic (numbing fluid) is injected into the underlying fat through the skin. A very small incision is made, and fat cells are gently removed into a specially constructed syringe using a small fat-removing device known as a cannula. After that, the donor area is compressed.
What Diseases and Problems Can be Treated?This will depend on the type of degenerative condition you have. A specialist will evaluate you and discuss whether you're a potential candidate for stem cell therapy. If after you've been recommended for treatment, had an opportunity to understand the potential risks and benefits, and decided on your own that you would like to explore this avenue of treatment, then you can be considered for treatment. Of course, even though it's a minimally invasive procedure, you will still need to be medically cleared for the procedure.
Is Our Procedure FDA-Approved?NO. However, the Cell Surgical Network's surgical procedures fall under the category of physician's practice of medicine, wherein the physician and patient are free to consider their chosen course of treatment. The FDA does have guidelines about treatment and manipulation of a patient's own tissues. We are part of Surgical cell network SC we meet these guidelines by providing same day treatment with the patient's own cells that undergo no manipulation and are inserted during the same procedure.
How Is the Fat Obtained?BarX patients have their fat (usually abdominal) harvested in our special sterile harvesting technology under a local anesthetic. The “mini liposuction” fat removal procedure lasts approximately twenty minutes. Specially designed equipment is used to harvest the fat cells and less than 100cc of fat is required. Post-operative discomfort is minimal and there is minimal restriction on activity.
Why Does Barx MD Use Liposuction Fat Rather Than Bone Marrow as Source of Stem Cells?Bone marrow sampling (a somewhat uncomfortable procedure) yields approximately 5,000 - 60,000 cells that are then cultured over several davs to perhaps a few million cells prior to deployment (injection into the patient). Recent advances in stem cell science have made it possible to obtain high numbers of very excellent quality multi-potent (able to form numerous other tissues) cells from a person's own liposuction fat. CSN uses technology acquired from Asia to process this fat to yield approximately five hundred thousand to one million stem cells per cc of fat, and therefore, it is possible to obtain as many as 10 to 40 million cells from a single treatment. These adipose derived stem cells can form many different types of cells when deployed properly including bone, cartilage, tendon (connective tissue),muscle, blood vessels, nerve tissue and other For example, if you have a knee problem, shoulder injury, lower back pain or some auto immune diseases, we believe stem cell therapy to be the likely foundation for regenerative treatment.
Why Do Patients Request Stem Cell Treatment?Many have been told that they require surgery or other risky treatments for their ailments and are looking for non-invasive options. Some have heard about the compelling testimonials about stem cells in the literature and on various websites. Many have read about the results of stem cell treatments in animal models and in humans. It should also be noted, that all treatments are currently in the investigational stage. While we recognize our patients are seeking improvement in their condition through stem cell therapy, each treatment is part of an ongoing investigation to establish optimal parameters for treatment, to evaluate for effectiveness and for any adverse effects. It is essential that patients understand they are participating in these investigational (research) analyses. Once sufficient information is appropriately documented and statistically significant, then data (validated by an Institutional Review Board) will be presented to the FDA for consideration of making an actual claim. Our aim is to make cell based medicine available to patients who are interested and to provide ongoing research data under approved Institutional Review Board (IRB) validated studies. We will follow our stem cell treatment patients over their lifetimes. This will enable us to accumulate significant data about the various degenerative diseases we treat. Instead of providing simply anecdotal or testimonial information, our goal is to categorize the various conditions and follow the patient's progress through various objective (e.g. x-ray evidence or video displays) and subjective (e.g. patient and/or doctor surveys) criteria. CSN doctors shares results and data and participate with the group to contribute in the advancement of this field in the USA.
Do We Use Embryonic Stem Cells?No. Only adult mesenchmal stem cells are used. These cells are capable of forming bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, ligaments, blood vessels, and certain organs. Embryonic stem cells are associated with ethical considerations and limitations.
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